Invasive Pest Species

Was just reading up on invasive pest species in North America and thought this is informative link on European Fire Ants. There is another link also under ants.

Myrmica rubra.

New insect species are always coming in through travel of human belongings, plant material, natural ability to migrate to  new geographical location.

Climate change is allowing other non native creatures(which may include insects, plants and animals, viruses, bacteria, fungii) to be introduced into a climactic region  that they would not normally be naturally occurring and now thrive.

April Warmth

Wow is it ever warm!  Everything is out moving around. Lots of Carpenter Ant calls and dealing with a lot of odour issues in structures. Lots of Wildlife issues also.

bed bug seminars

I just completed 2 hotel awareness seminars on the inspection and introduction of Bed Bugs to their facilities. Sorry not able to tell you the Hotels.

Bed bugs are on the rise, doing more residential lately.

Hello world!

I’m working on this web page as I have time to do so, hoping this will be a informative area for you.  Its a project that will be constantly growing.